What Type Of Jewelry Doesn't Turn Green?

Have you ever wondered why your skin changes colors when you wear certain jewelry?

If your like me it seems like you can't wear just any type of jewelry, even though you want to so bad. Your skin breaks out, it might turn red, or your skin simply turns green. It makes wearing cute jewelry not fun and honestly it makes you second guess is something wrong with your skin or is it just the jewelry your wearing.

Well let me tell you something their is nothing wrong with your skin. You most likely suffer from having sensitive skin. Yes some types of metals can irratate our skin. Even though your skin changes colors, It’s not harmful at all if you were wondering. Some jewelry contains metals such as copper, nickel, or silver and when they start to tarnish that what causes your skin to change colors.

Metals in jewelry that turn skin green | jewelry for sensitive skin

Even if you love getting cheap jewelry it's best to stay away from that type of jewelry, because usually is contains those types of metals. If you just have to have a certain item, you can clear coat your jewelry. Now a big thing is what if you like the looks of silver jewelry. What should you do? Yes you can wear silver but make sure you find jewelry that is hypoallergenic. Hypoallergenic is defined as relatively unlikely to cause an allergic reaction. All the jewelry we have is hypoallergenic as well.

Now here's some more ways to make sure your skin doesn't turn colors while wearing jewelry. Keep jewelry dry, so any activity you do involving water make sure to take jewelry off first. That's a big tip but for any jewelry you should be making sure to take it off and not letting it get wet. You should let lotions and sprays dry before putting jewelry on every time. The biggest thing to do it properly store your jewelry every single night in a jewelry box or bag. Keep jewelry separated from other jewelries, so they won't contaminate each other.

Hopefully this article helps you understand why your skin turns colors wearing different jewelry. If you like this post make sure to join our email list, for more. If you do have sensitive skin go ahead and check out our shop to look for products for your sensitive skin all our jewelry is hypoallergenic.